Monday, December 30, 2013

Tips for Controlling Your Appetite

With a new year upon us, weight loss may be on your list of resolutions. Hopefully you will incorporate some - if not all - of the tips below to kick off the new year with a healthier outlook and begin a journey to creating a new YOU!  -- Dr. Josh

When it comes to the math behind weight loss, it's all about "calories in, calories out." However, it's not always that black and white. If you suffer from constant food cravings, it may not always be an issue of hunger. 
Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to remedy the situation. If you're certain that you are eating as you should for your metabolic type and you still feel hungry all the time, use these tips to help curb your appetite. 

1) Don't Skip Meals
You should be eating three square meals a day, plus one snack. You should also be making sure to space your meals throughout the day so that you don't go longer than four hours without eating. This is incredibly important when it comes to avoiding that nasty stomach grumble because it will keep your blood sugar levels and hunger hormones stable. But my most important rule here? You MUST eat breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day (your mother was right about this one). Eating a hearty breakfast helps reduce levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, keeping you satisfied throughout the morning.

2) Hydrate!
When you feel as if you're starving, pour yourself a huge glass of water or grab a bottle of seltzer - it will help quell the urge to snack. If you feel like you just can't look another glass of ice water in the eye, try mixing things up by adding a slice of lemon (or lime) or getting creative with a sprig of fresh mint. Water is one of the best things you can put in your body. It keeps you hydrated and flushes out any toxins that may have taken up residence in your system. So, do you really need another reason to become BFF with H2O? Didn't think so.

3) Catch Some Zzz's
I know, I know - you're all as crazy busy as I am! No matter what I have going on, I always make a point to get seven hours of shut- eye. Sleep is not just a luxury - it's a necessity! Two hormones, leptin and ghrelin, regulate our appetite, and both are directly affected by how much sleep we get. These hormones work in a kind of "checks and balances" system to control feelings of hunger and fullness. Getting seven hours of shut-eye each night helps the hormones work properly, which in turn will help curb your appetite.

4) Think Before You Snack
Hunger isn't always the reason behind eating. For a lot of people, there are a number of emotional triggers, such as feeling bored or stressed, that are often disguised as hunger. So, the next time you feel hungry between meals, consider the last time you ate. If it was less than three to four hours earlier, your stomach isn't growling, and you're not weak or tired, you're probably emotionally unsatisfied in some way rather than genuinely physically hungry. Keep a journal handy to write down every time you find yourself reaching for some food when you know you're not hungry so that you can recognize the feelings and intercept before they get worse.

5) Think About Something Else
Like I mentioned, eating can be a soothing mechanism if you find yourself bored, stressed, or emotional. If you know that these hunger pangs you're experiencing are NOT due to a lack of food, find a way of diverting your attention so that you don't fall victim to the instant gratification. Steer yourself toward positive feelings of self-worth and you'll choose activities and behaviors that inherently contradict self-loathing and self-destructiveness.

Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while, paint your finger nails, pick up a book or magazine, or even better - get outside and do something active! By taking your mind off of those hunger pains, they'll most likely disappear.

6) Take it One Day at a Time
Just because you might be struggling with hunger does not mean all is lost. You can and will lose weight. Even if you're eating a little more than your calorie allowance, you can still lose - it just might take a little longer. Exercise is also a crucial component of a healthy weight-loss journey. Working out harder and more often will help burn the extra calories you might take in if you have a bad day.

7) Stick With It

Sometimes we slip up, and that's okay - healthy living is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Allowing yourself to make mistakes and understanding that you can get back on the wagon and keep moving forward is crucial. I know you can do this. Believe in yourself and try to incorporate my suggestions into your life, and let's see how you do.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Health by the Numbers: 46

46 percent of 9-11 year-olds who are "sometimes" or "very often" on diets, and 82% of their families are "sometimes" or "very often" on diets.

Over one-half of teenage girls and nearly one-third of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting, and taking laxatives 
35-57% of adolescent girls engage in crash dieting, fasting, self-induced vomiting, diet pills, or laxatives. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Chiropractic Helps Women Avoid C-Section

From the April 1, 2007 issue of the Monterey Herald in California comes an article with a story of a woman who was having trouble with her pregnancy. Jennifer Hernandez was 36 years of age, and 32 weeks pregnant when her obstetrician told her she was facing a Caesarean delivery because the baby in her womb was in a high-risk position.  

Hernandez's obstetrician performed an ultrasound which showed that her baby was 180 degrees from the normal head-down position for birth. With this news and wanting to avoid a possible C-section, she then sought the services of Dr. Anne Lundquist, a prenatal chiropractor certified since 2001 in the Webster In-Utero Constraint Technique.

Hernandez reported her reaction after starting chiropractic care, "I felt a great relief after the first adjustment." The article then noted that after two sessions with Dr. Lundquist, a new ultrasound showed the baby was in the proper head-down position. "Immediately after the first treatment I felt he moved," Hernandez said.

Dr. Jeanne Ohm, a chiropractor and executive coordinator of the Philadelphia-based International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, the organization that certifies chiropractors in the technique, described the technique by saying, "It reduces interference to the nervous system, balances out pelvic muscles and ligaments, which in turn removes torsion to the uterus. It allows the baby to get into the best possible position for birth."

Dr. Ohm, who has 25 years of chiropractic experience and 10 at teaching the "Webster" technique noted that the technique doesn't involve any risk. However, the article did note that the success rate drops if the patients have passed the 34-week mark of their pregnancies.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Teaching Positive Action Instead of Preaching Perfection to Achieve Wellness

What steps are you taking to leading a happy, healthy and peaceful life?  At our wellness center, we don't preach perfection. Instead we promote wellness by teaching positive action!   There is always something you can do to achieve better health today! 

Focus on the positive food choices or physical activity you make daily.  It all adds up and it all counts!   Slowly but surely you can add on new layers of action to enhance your evolving health regimen.  Maybe you can start adding two vegetables to your daily diet or eating leaner cuts of protein.  Maybe you stopped skipping breakfast and started drinking a protein smoothie or eating a bowl of oatmeal with berries.  Maybe you started substituting caffeinated or sugary drinks with water or herbal teas. Whatever changes you make, keep up the good work and your body will reward you with better health in no time!
Our purpose is to help as many people as possible get healthy and stay healthy.  It is our pleasure to serve you, your family and our community in wellness today.

Friday, October 25, 2013

5 Reasons To Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

By Margaret Wertheim,
September 29, 2013

Cutting your sugar intake is crucial in order to prevent diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Unfortunate the average American consumes 76 pounds of added sugar per year. That's 23 teaspoons a day! The largest contributor to sugar intake? Soda and sugar-sweetened beverages.  
For many, the seemingly easy fix is to start using artificial sweeteners such sucralose, saccharin, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium, instead of sugar. Unfortunately, these artificial sweeteners have some pretty dark downsides:

1. Artificial sweeteners may actually increase sugar cravings.
Because artificial sweeteners are so much sweeter than sugar, they tend to make you crave sugar more.

2. They're linked to diabetes.  In a study of more than 5,000 people, drinking one diet soda or more on a daily basis was associated with a 67% increased risk for diabetes. This is a very striking result! Switching to diet soda is often recommended to people with diabetes or pre-diabetes. This recommendation is ill-advised as it seems that diet soda may actually play a role in increasing diabetes risk.

3. They have been linked to cancer in animals.  In animal studies, artificial sweeteners like sucralose, saccharin, and aspartame have been associated with an increased risk of cancer.

4. They can be harmful during pregnancy.  A study in women noted that artificial sweetener consumption during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk for pre-term labor.

5. Artificial sweeteners, specifically sucralose, may change how your body responds to carbohydrates.  Your blood sugar and insulin levels may actually rise higher when you have carbohydrates with or after drinking a sucralose-sweetened beverage.One of the functions of insulin in your body is to trigger fat storage. If your insulin levels are higher, it is more likely that you will gain weight or it may be harder for you to lose weight.

So can you have a healthy relationship with sweets?

The bottom line is that artificial sweeteners may actually play a role in exacerbating the very conditions that they are meant to address. Instead of drinking diet soda, try sparkling water with a splash of 100% fruit juice. Alternatively, add cucumber or lemon slices to your water for a refreshing and healthy beverage. For other desserts, use natural sweeteners or use fruit, which is naturally sweet, to make healthier desserts.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Healthy by Numbers: 20

20 represents the percentage of all American meals eaten in the car.

Eating on the go can lead to poor food choices, poor digestion and malabsorption of nutrients.  Also because you are concentrating more on driving than eating, you can wind up eating more food - and therefore calories - than you should.  This doesn't do your body any good!

Be more mindful of your eating!
Planning ahead is the key to avoiding eating in the car. Making healthy food choices and eating in a peaceful environment allows you to savor the flavors of your food, eat less, digest properly and have more energy throughout the day.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chiropractic Care May Reduce Anxiety

The above headline appeared on the October 1, 2004, "Newswise", and the October 6, 2004 "". These news stories stemmed from a published report appearing in the September 20, 2004 issue of the peer-reviewed periodical, "Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research" Anxiety(JVSR). The report was a case study of a 19-year old female diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) who suffered from psychiatric symptoms as well as other problems for two years.

This case study noted that this patient's previous medical treatment had included multiple emergency room visits; private specialists; and a rotation of drug therapies including Paxil, Xanax, and Celexa all of which had failed to help her. The patient's history also included at least three motor vehicle accidents between 1995 and 1997, including one where her head shattered the windshield.

The articles note that according to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety is the most common mental health illness. It affects more than 19 million Americans ages 18-54. Patients suffering from General Anxiety Disorder make three to five times more visits to doctors' offices and emergency rooms and the Anxiety Disorders Association of America reports that direct healthcare costs and lost productivity of these conditions cost more than $42 billion per year.

In December, 2001, the patient started chiropractic care for correction of nerve interference called "subluxations". This patient's results were then documented over a four month course of care. It was observed that medication was discontinued successfully. Additionally, the articles noted that after a four-month course of chiropractic care, the young woman reported an 80% reduction in her anxiety symptoms, including a 90% decrease in her headaches. The patient was able to resume a normal lifestyle without resorting to prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

The research was co-authored by Dr. Madeline Behrendt, Associate Editor of JVSR, and Dr. Nathan Olsen, a chiropractor in private practice in Boise, Idaho. They noted in their conclusion that, "These improvements suggest positive changes in mental health function may be associated with subluxation correction from the application of chiropractic care."

Dr. Behrendt additionally commented, "This young woman spent two years in crisis, going from emergency room to private specialist, spending thousands of dollars for tests and drug therapy, without any resolution of her problems. A simple, non-invasive spinal screening ultimately provided the findings that made the difference: her spine was subluxated, impinging on nerves, and altering the proper function of her nervous system." Behrendt continued by asking, "How many other people are suffering unnecessarily because they are missing the proper screening?" 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ADHD Helped With Chiropractic, A Case Study

In the October 2004 issue of the peer-reviewed research publication, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), comes a case study of a child with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), who was helped with chiropractic. 

The case was of a 5 year old boy who had been diagnosed with ADHD at age 2. The childs pediatrician prescribed methylphenidate (Ritalin), Adderall, and Haldol for the next 3 years. The combination of drugs was unsuccessful in helping the child. 

At age 5 the child was brought to a chiropractor to see if chiropractic care would help. The history taken at that time noted that during the childs birth, there were complications during his delivery process. The results of this trauma and complications resulted in a 4-day stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. The childs mother reported no other incidence of trauma.

The chiropractic examination and x-rays showed noticeable spinal distortion including a reversal of the normal neck curve indicative of subluxations. Chiropractic care was begun and the childs progress was monitored.

According to his mother, positive changes in her son's general behavior were noticed around the twelfth visit. By the 27th visit the patient had experienced considerable improvement.

The child was brought by the mother to the medical doctor for a follow up visit and questioned the usage of the Ritalin. Themedical doctor reviewed and examined the child and based on that assessment and his clinical experience, the MD felt that the young boy was no longer exhibiting symptoms associated with ADHD. He then took the boy off the medications that he had been taking for 3 years.

The conclusion of the author of the JMPT case study noted, The patient experienced significant reduction in symptoms. Additionally, the medical doctor concluded that the reduction in symptoms was significant enough to discontinue the medication.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Challenging Dr. Caldwell: Part I" by Michael Boblett

Chiropractors are not all equal.

I have visited chiropractors since before most of my readers were born - starting in the 1960s.  In that time, I've had my share of disappointments.  In that time, I have seen lots of chiropractors who did the same adjustments again and again, providing only temporary relief.  It was like being hooked on a drug that's expensive, temporary, and ultimately unsatisfying. 

So what was missing?  Proper assessment.

Why is assessment important?  Without good assessment, healers offer bandaids instead of cures.  Without good assessment, health practitioners will chase down the same symptoms over and over again.  So without good assessment, clients are caught in a vicious cycle of visit after visit after visit with no real change in the underlying problems.   
But a truly professional assessment requires thorough study of the client's shifting patterns.  In chiropractic, proper assessment requires periodic X-rays, nerve scans, physical palpation - and lots and lots of prior knowledge.  

That's how Dr. Caldwell got me here, both as a colleague and as a client.  Because I started out as his client, NOT his colleague.  When I first set foot in UTC Chiropractic, I had my own separate practice.  And I had no intention of closing down my two offices.
I'll even admit that I was skeptical.  I have a lot of experience.  Ten years' worth.  I'm good at what I do.  And I'm  good at assessment.  

So when Dr. Caldwell offered a discounted assessment at a business network meeting, I opened up my wallet, pulled out some cash, and walked up to him with a smirk on my face.  As I handed him the money, I said:  "OK, big guy, you're on.  Prove to me that you're good at assessing structures!"
It was a set-up.  I admit it.

You see, for years I've been taking classes from various Rolfer, Structural Integrators, Active Release Technicians, and others.  And I have a simple method for assessing the assessors: my own body.

Without going into details, I'll just say that I have a very complicated medical history.  That's especially true of my bone structure.  My skeleton is a roadmap of 61 years of injuries, infections, visceral misalignments, and lots and lots of exercise, some of it stupidly done.

So when a teacher claims to be able to assess a skeletal structure, I try hard to be one of the models in that class.  I try hard to be the guy standing up there with a list of obscure symptoms and a set of patterns that defy analysis.  In Dr. Caldwell's own words, I'm a Rubik's Cube of skeletal distortions.  

Over the years, I've found three kinds of assessors:

First, there are the ones who try to make stuff up.  They use a lot of big words in Greek and Latin, point to this or that area, and come up with a fairy tale that bears no relation to reality.  I see through these people quickly.

Second, there are the people who tell the truth - but it's stuff I already know.  Actually, these people impress me a lot, because they're in a distinct minority among practitioners.  

Third and most rarely, there are the people who tell me stuff I DIDN'T already know.  That's Dr. Caldwell - and a handful of very senior people with established reputations.  

For example, Dr. Caldwell took X-rays.  Well, who doesn't?  But THEN he was able to look 'em over and point out things I'd never noticed before.  And believe me, I've been looking at X-rays of myself since before Dr. Caldwell was born.  He also performed a set of nerve scans that explained connections between symptoms I'd never seen as connected.  I'd had previous chiropractors explain that the spine was a central switchboard.  But I never worked with a man who took to time to go over my vertebral impingements and say:  "OK, how's your digestion?  How's your thyroid gland?  Do you get migraines?"  

Duh!  But it's the obvious stuff that's hardest to see.  That's what genius is.  Genius is what makes the rest of us slap our foreheads.  So from that first session, I was Dr. Caldwell's loyal client.  

But why did I move into his practice?

Oops, times up!  For that, you'll have to read my next column:  "Challenging Dr.  Caldwell, Part II."

Michael Boblett is a Certified Advanced Rolfer, Egoscue Postural Specialist and skilled practitioner of Neural Release with 10 years of experience and over 1,500 hours of study in deep-tissue, nerve-activation, and therapeutic movement work.  Michael has a strong knowledge of muscles, nerves, movement patterns and the kinds of restrictions that can interfere with your strength and freedom. 

With his time-tested strategies for low back, neck, shoulder, foot, hamstring, knee and hip dysfunction, Michael has experience working with triathletes, marathoners, cyclists, golfers, power lifters, yoga practitioners and even the busy professional chained to their desks all day to rehab tired and sore muscles, improve sports performance and slow down the aging process.  
Do your muscles need rehab?  
Call us at 858-457-0123 to book an introductory session today!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Health By the Numbers: 2

This number out of three adults in the United States are overweight or obese while one out of three children are overweight or obese.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Health is a Journey, Not a Destination

At UTC Chiropractic, our purpose is to help you learn how to better take care of your body and your health.  Everyone is on their own path to wellness. No matter where you are on your journey, we can help you get farther down your path.  It's up to you how quickly you would like to travel but there is no FINAL destination in that, striving for wellness is a continuous journey with challenges to meet along the way in the form of physical, mental, emotional and chemical stressors.  We are here to help you better handle these stressors  while on your journey to wellness.  You will reap the benefits of every positive healthy step you take along the way.  And every day you move in the right direction along your path, we are here to walk beside you.  And we are here to walk behind you to push you and motivate you to keep going! And even when you take a few detours, a couple steps back or a step in the wrong direction, we are here to help get you back on track! 

The benefit of being a patient at our wellness center is that whoever you care about, we care about too!  If you have a friend who needs assistance down his or her own path to achieving wellness, have them call us to schedule an initial consultation with me.  They have nothing to lose except 30 minutes of their time and everything to gain - information, perspective, guidance, motivation, support and guidance.

At our wellness center, our purpose is to help people achieve optimal wellness!   We believe that when you feel great, you will do great in life!  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Did You Know This....About Sugar?

The average American consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar daily while the average child consumes 32 teaspoons daily.

Refined sugar is linked to: insomnia, dizziness, allergies, 
manic depression, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, hypoglycemia, 
colon & pancreatic cancer, hair loss, ADD/ADHD, breakouts & skin irritation, 
obesity, Type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome.

It can exacerbate mood swings, personality changes, irritability, asthma, arthritis, heart disease, cholesterol,  gallstones and endocrine problems.  According to the American Dietetic and Diabetic Associations, increased sugar consumption is the leading cause of degenerative disease.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Free Adjustments for 10 Breast Cancer Survivors

At UTC Chiropractic, our purpose is to help build a stronger and healthier community by helping as many people as possible achieve optimal health and well-being.

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are donating (5) chiropractic adjustments and (1) 30-minute massage to the first 10 breast cancer survivors who are not currently under chiropractic care during the month of October only.

If you or someone you know is a breast cancer survivor, please call us at 858-457-0123 to schedule your complimentary appointments today.  This Special Offer expires October 31, 2013.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Superman for a Stronger Back

With all the talk about the recent release of Man of Steel, let us remind you of a classic - the Superman. A good supplement to all those crunches, the Superman is a great way to strengthen your lower back and tone your glutes. All you need to do this exercise is your body weight, no equipment (or movie ticket) necessary.   Here's how:
  • Lie face down on your stomach with arms and legs extended. Keep your neck in a neutral position.
  • Keeping your arms and legs straight (but not locked) and torso stationary, simultaneously lift your arms and legs up toward the ceiling to form an elongated "u" shape with your body - back arches and arms and legs lift several inches off the floor.
  • Hold for two to five seconds and lower back down to complete one.
  • Do three sets of 12.
Exhale as you lift your arms and legs and inhale as you lower them back down. When you have completed all three sets, or even in between each set, take a Child's Pose to stretch your back.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How Safe is Chiropractic for My Child?

Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of health care. A baby's spine is very supple during the first few months of life and there are Chiropractic techniques that apply only a slight pressure to make spinal adjustments. Under normal circumstances, chiropractic adjustments are painless and will not hurt your child. In Chiropractic do not use drugs which sometimes cause more harmful side effects than the progression of many diseases. Drugs can also create the potential for addiction, even in young children. In Chiropractic we do not perform any invasive procedures (such as surgery) which sometimes can have irreversible adverse effects. These are some of the reasons why malpractice insurance rates for chiropractors are only a fraction of what other physicians pay and why more than 30 million Americans choose chiropractic care for their children and themselves.

Chiropractic Shown to be Safe for Children
In a literature research study conducted by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) the risk of injury as a result of chiropractic adjustments was shown to be extremely low for adults and even smaller for the pediatric patient. In reviewing 31 years of medical literature the ICPA found only one questionable report of injury to a child following chiropractic care of a child. This ICPA concluded "the potential risk to children is so low it can not be accurately estimated". The above safety rate of chiropractic care for children should be compared to the adverse reaction rate for medicine described in the article below.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Are You Reaching Your Health & Fitness Goals?

Now that kids are back at school, it's time to buckle down with your routines and evaluate where you are on your Wellness Plan.  Are you reaching your health and fitness goals?  Do you even remember your goals or are they forgotten and washed away with summer along with the beach sand from between your toes?   

Let's talk about building a healthier body.  If you asked me to build your dream house, I would ask you many questions.  I would need to know what you want it to look like: how many bedrooms, what kind of floor plan, how many bathrooms, what type of flooring, do you want a fireplace, how many floors and which direction do you want certain rooms to face etc.  Once I have all the answers from you and all the limitations such as budget, location, time frame, zoning etc., then I have my architect design a blueprint.  Once you approve this blueprint, I start building.  One wall, one window, one tile of flooring at a time.  But every now and then, you will want to stop by to see my progress on your dream house, right?  I mean, would you spend all this time and money without checking in to see if I am doing my job right? Together we would determine if this dream house is coming along the way you had hoped it would.  We will find out if we come across any challenges or set-backs like problems with the soil, climate, labor, inspections etc.

When it comes to building a better body, think of your body and its ability to function properly as your dream house. Mike Boblett and I are your builders and Sharon and I are your architects where we will design and present to you a blueprint to help you achieve the healthy body of your dreams.  This blueprint is called your Wellness Plan.  Every time you come in for an adjustment or deep tissue muscle work, we are building your dream body according to your Wellness Plan.

But after every 12 adjustments, you should sit with me for a health re-evaluation or as I call it a "sit down showdown" to see just where you are with your progress.  This re-examination is intended to help evaluate how well you are reaching the goals you set for yourself on your Wellness Plan.  Not only will we look to see how your nervous system function scans are improving, but I will also ask how your symptoms are changing as well as what you are doing outside of our wellness center to be a part of the solution - such as eating, sleeping, exercising and stretching regimen.

If you have not been re-evaluated, please take the time to do so because it is the only way for us to know how well I am doing my job and to help you achieve the results you desire in a timely manner.
Together, let's build your dream body!

At our wellness center, we believe that when you feel great, you will do great in life!  

Health By Numbers: 2

America's rank in obesity in the world!

Not too long ago the United Nations issued a report essentially dethroning the United States as the Western Hemisphere's most obese nation. We are now ranked No. 2, right behind Mexico, a country where reportedly 33 percent of its population is obese.

However, we should not think of our move to No. 2 as cause for celebration. The United States is still facing a serious health issue when it comes to adult and child obesity. It really doesn't matter if we are ranked No. 2 or No. 100. Whatever the ranking, we have a serious obesity problem in this country that needs to be addressed.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chiropractic Care for Childhood Asthma

It is estimated that up to 
15 million people suffer from asthma.
Of those, 14.8 million are children under the age of 18. In 1993 alone, there were 198,000 hospitalizations for asthma. In that same sample year, 342 people under the age of 25 died due to this problem. In money terms, the direct cost of managing a patient with severe asthma has been estimated at more than $18,000 per year.

The following statistics about asthma come from the
Better Health & Medical Network:
  • Asthma has increased 46% from 1982-1993 with an 80% growth in children under 18.
  • In the 5-17 age group, asthma causes an annual loss of more than 10 million school days per year.
  • Asthma accounts for more childhood hospitalizations than any other childhood disease.
  • Children with asthma spend approximately 7.3 million days per year restricted to bed rest.
  • In 1990, there were 7.1 million physician visits for asthma.
  • Health care costs for asthma were estimated at $6.2 billion, which is almost 1% of the total US health care costs.
  • More than 5,200 Americans died from asthma in 1991.
Recent articles in publications such as "The American Chiropractor", and "Today's Chiropractic" describe strong links between people who suffer from these conditions and nerve interference from subluxation. Subluxations are when bones in the spine pressure or irritate nerves causing abnormal nerve function. 

An article appearing in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research Vol. 1 No. 4, also demonstrated the positive effects of chiropractic care on 81 children with asthma.

According to Richard Pistolese, research assistant for the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, "Based upon information currently available, chiropractic care represents a safe non-pharmacological health care approach, that may be associated with a decrease in asthma-related impairment, reduced respiratory effort, and a decrease incidence of asthma attacks." Pistolese goes further to say, "The correction of vertebral subluxation is a non-invasive procedure, which could reduce or eliminate the need for medication, and potentially ease the severity of the asthmatic condition."

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bookbags Carry Risk of Spinal Injury

Bookbags, when worn improperly, can carry a lot more than heavy textbooks and a stash of school supplies. They can carry the very real possibility of spinal injury. 

That's the warning of a local chiropractor, who says most parents give little thought to the harm their kids' bookbags can cause. 

"There's more academic demand than ever, kids are carrying more books than ever, and they're just throwing them all in the bookbag, and it's hurting these kids," said Dr. Joseph Fonke of High Point Chiropractic. "We're seeing more and more kids with spinal complaints in our practice." 

In addition, Fonke said, spinal injury can affect the central nervous system, leading to other medical problems. 
"It's called vertebral subluxation, which is misalignment of the spinal column, causing irritation to the nervous system," he said.

"It's been associated with ear infections, asthma, enuresis, back pain, neck pain, headaches and even sinus/allergy type problems." 

One common mistake students make is slinging their bookbag over one shoulder, rather than both shoulders. 
"They're putting uneven weight on the shoulders and spine, so the spine is having to compensate for all the weight being on one side," Fonke explained.  "And even if they wear two straps, a lot of times they wear it far too low, which puts a lot of adverse stress on the upper spine and neck, causing them to have to lean forward to compensate for the amount of weight that's down low.
And by doing these things repetitively - every single day for 13 years, or even into college years - these global changes in the way a kid stands up can occur, leading to further issues such as headaches and dizziness." 
Another problem is the sheer weight of children's bookbags. 
"According to studies, the bookbag should weigh no more than 10 percent of the child's body weight," Fonke said. 
If a student must carry several books at once, the heaviest book should be placed in the part of the bookbag closest to the child's back, to put less strain on his or her spine, he added. 

Studies support Fonke's views about bookbags and spinal health. 
For example, according to statistics provided by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), more than 2,000 backpack-related injuries were treated at hospital emergency rooms, doctors' offices and clinics in 2007. 

In another study, 64 percent of American students between 11 and 15 reported back pain related to heavy bookbags, and 21 percent reported the pain lasting for more than six months. 

The AOTA offers the following bookbag-related tips: 
*  It should weigh no more than 10 percent of the child's weight. 
*  Load heaviest items closest to the child's back. 
*  Use a bookbag on wheels, if your child's school allows them. 
*  Distribute weight evenly by using both straps. 
*  Select a pack with well-padded shoulder straps. 
*  Adjust straps so the bag fits snugly on the child's back. 
*  Wear the waist belt if the bookbag has one. 
*  The bottom of the bag should rest in the curve of the lower back. 

For more information about proper use of bookbags, visit the website of the American Occupational Therapy Association at and type "bookbags" in the search field.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Patient Success Story: Jason Drew

Age:  31
Date you started with us:  April 1, 2013
Health Challenge: Shoulder Pain
Severity of Symptom (1-10):  7 
Length of Symptom:  7 weeks
How much did it bother you?:  24/ hrs
Therapies tried:  Acupuncture, PT
How did it interfere with your life?:  
"Kept me from doing what I love to do, such as gymnastics."
Since receiving UTC Chiropractic services, how much do you feel your condition has improved?:  90%
Describe how you feel now: 
"I feel great.  I can do all the things I want to do with a bit a caution."
Other areas of my health that I have seen improve:  
"Less lower back pain, improved mobility, improved performance, increased energy, decreased stress, more productive at work, better attitude, increase quality of life"
How would you rate your experience with our office:  10
Would you refer friends/ family/ colleagues to our office?:  Yes  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Healthy Bytes: Why Cranberries Are Good For You!

The link between cranberries and prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs) is not news. Recent research has found that it's not the acidic properties of cranberries but instead their anti-adhesive properties that promote urinary tract health. The phytochemicals in cranberries, known as a proanthocyanidins (PACs), prevent bacteria from sticking and multiplying, which leads to improved urinary tract health. 

While other fruits and berries similar cranberries with their vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, only the cranberry contains this unique form of PAC, which is structurally different than those found in other plant foods. This unique structure is the reason that polyphenol-rich grape and apple juices, raisins, green tea, and chocolate have not been found to produce the same anti-adhesion activity.

While you can get these benefits from 100% cranberry juice, research shows drinking cranberry juice cocktail daily can also promote urinary tract health. Added bonus? Unlike the empty calories you might get from other sweetened beverage and food products, the calories one consumes from cranberry products are more nutrient-dense and offer unique (polyphenols) health benefits that you can only get from cranberries. 

Source:  "Why Cranberries Are So Good For Your Health" bPamela Nisevich Bede, M.S., R.D., August 13, 201, Runner's World 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fast Facts About Chiropractic...

Chiropractic is the largest, most regulated, and best recognized of the complementary and alternative medicine professions. It is the third largest doctoral-level health care profession after medicine and dentistry. (Meeker, Haldeman; 2002; Annals of Internal Medicine)

Doctors of Chiropractic undergo at least four years of professional study, must pass national board examinations and become state-licensed prior to practicing.

Doctors of Chiropractic provide care in hospitals and other multidisciplinary health care facilities.  An example of chiropractic integration into today's health care system is the chiropractic clinic at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, where they provide care for veterans, war heroes, active-duty military personnel and their families.

Conditions commonly treated by chiropractors include, but are not limited to, arthritis, back pain, neck pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ, sports injuries, car accident injuries and repetitive strains

Source:  American Chiropractic Association