Auto injuries are some of the most significant injuries the human body can endure. Most of the time the victim doesn't even feel the full extent of the injuries for weeks or even months after the accident. The initial shock from the trauma creates a fight or flight response that delays the onset of pain perception as if it never happened. Then after the dust settles and you try to go back to your daily routine, the aches and pains start to show up. I've seen it time and time again in my office with patients that wait to see a professional until weeks after the accident, because they thought they were fine. This not only makes it more difficult to help the patient, but more scar tissue has formed and the injured areas have had more time to settle in. The most common injuries from car accidents are soft tissue related and are maintained within the muscle tissues or ligaments, but from time to time undiagnosed concussions, brain trauma, fractures and even spinal dislocations can be present without the patient's knowledge. Because of this, it is always best to get some type of evaluation no matter how small the accident is. Even in minor accidents, 50% of the victims end up with permanent impairment that will require ongoing treatment to manage.
Chiropractic is helpful in these situations because we can combine spinal manipulation with massage and stretching techniques to keep the injuries from worsening or causing permanent discomfort and limitation. In my practice, we run a very thorough examination that includes Digital X-Rays, Nerve Scans, Orthopedic and Neurologic Testing to accurately determine the severity of the injuries. Most urgent cares and emergency rooms are only going to look for life threatening conditions due to the high volume of patients they have to see. They very rarely can diagnose or help treat the most common injuries associated with car accidents. So if you or someone you know has been in an accident, please encourage them to see and Chiropractor to have their injuries evaluated before it's too late.