Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dr. Oz Gets Rolfed on the Oprah Show

What is Rolfing?  Is this something that could help ease muscle tension?

If you're plagued by muscle pain, Dr. Oz recommends a technique called Rolfing, which he describes as "even deeper than a deep-tissue massage."

This technique, which was developed by Dr. Ida Pauline Rolf, aims to separate bound-up connective tissues (or fascia), which link the muscles.  "Rolfing literally releases the joints," Dr. Oz says.  "When you talk to folks about the impact it has on them, a lot of them just stand taller.  A lot is just freeing you up to live the way you're supposed to live."

In January 2006, Dr. Oz volunteered to get Rolfed to demonstrate its medical benefits.  Certified Rolfer Jonathan Martine says this massage method works with your body instead of on it.  "What I'm looking at doing here is is releasing the fascia, which is the wrapping around the muscles," he says.

The procedure may seem painful, but Jonathan says he works within the body's limits.  "If I'm trying to force you into position to be upright, and you're not read to be there, it's going to be challenging," he says.

You don't even have to strip down to have this procedure.  "We work at a level of comfort for the client," Jonathan says. "I work with people in a bra and underwear or running shorts.  I worked with a rancher from Nebraska that had his clothes on for most of the sessions."

Please Note:  If you are curious as to how rolfing can help restore your muscles to optimum function, mobility and range of motion, call us at 858-457-0123 to book a complimentary 30-min consultation with our Rolfer, Michael Boblett.  Michael is one of the top 3 out of only 15 rolfers in San Diego.

He helps crossfit competitors, weightlifters, marathon runners, triathletes, dancers as well as non-active patients suffering from car accidents and other injuries get back to their jobs, their training and their competitions so they can continue doing what they love!


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